Kurfürsten Apotheke

Our Customer:
Singer family

Maximum Strategic Location – Kurfürsten Pharmacy

The Kurfürsten Pharmacy, run by Mr. and Mrs. Singer, is strategically located at a busy intersection with large windows facing both streets, exposing it to high volumes of pedestrians and vehicles. Our task was to capitalize on this advantageous position and increase visibility among three other nearby pharmacies. We installed 55-inch ultra-high-bright monitors with 2500 cd./m² in four windows and opted for floor mounts due to the high ceiling. Mrs. Singer was fully capable of updating and changing the content on the monitors from her computer after a 45-minute training session. She changes the content at least once a week and runs special promotions that have had a significant impact on sales. The eye-catching display of four monitors has given the pharmacy a competitive advantage, to the great satisfaction of our client.
Erke Engineering GmbH – Increase your visibility!

Kurfürsten Apotheke Munich

Kurfürsten Apotheke Munich