Your partner for sales promotion

signage on demand

With our signage on demand sales concept, you can attract more attention, create a shopping experience and create lasting emotional loyalty among your customers.

Signage on demand combines all the advantages of different digital signage monitors - with the most user-friendly software - at all relevant customer journey touchpoints of your customers.

The result: more sales, satisfied employees and more loyal customers.

What is signage on demand?

The term signage on demand describes the use of digital media content through intelligent advertising and information systems. With the help of digital signage, it is possible to communicate information at the right time and in the right place.

To put it simply: signage on demand is the most effective, simplest and fastest form of communication today to reach and inspire your customers with your message at the point of sale - point of interest.

Kürfürsten Apotheke Munich

Our sales philosophy is based on the conviction that successful communication is the key to more sales and loyal customers. In a world where customers' attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, it is crucial to convey information effectively and efficiently.

Sales philosophy

1. visual communication: Images and videos speak directly to people and remain in their memory. That's why we rely on visual elements to convey messages clearly and memorably.

2. Innovation: We utilise the latest technologies in the field of digital signage to continuously improve our customer communication. Our modern monitors and displays offer flexible and diverse application options.

3. consistency and continuity: Consistent and continuous communication across all touchpoints ensures that our customers are always well informed and develop trust in our brand.

Our ‘signage on demand’ concept combines all these principles and offers a comprehensive sales concept to not only reach your customers, but to retain them in the long term.

More sales with
erke signage software

More sales and loyal customers can only be achieved if you see communication via your digital signage displays as an integral part of a comprehensive concept for dialogue with your customers.

Due to the complexity and versatility of digital signage, we have developed our signage software to help you utilise digital signage profitably for your company

Have we piqued your interest? Then let's start a project together!

Studies show that 95% of our decisions are made unconsciously. Evidence for this can be found in studies that show that shopping behaviour in the supermarket varies with different music. When customers were asked for their reasons, they often cited rational arguments such as price or taste. However, these appear to be justifications.

Fundamentally emotional?

If the interviewees really thought about all these considerations, they would need several hours for each purchase. In such situations, decisions are made quickly, so intuition or the subconscious comes into play.

The argument of logic usually plays a subordinate role in purchasing behaviour. In addition, many purchasing decisions are based on an emotional attachment to the product or brand.

Your customer buys a product because it gives him a good feeling.

Showcase with 55 in. 4000cd./m² Ultra High Bright Monitor: Hilton City Munich - Juliet Bar

In the digital age, communication is visual.

And how do you convey a good feeling and build an emotional relationship with your customers? Through communication. Communication. Communication.

But please don't forget! Your customer is exposed to an unlimited amount of information and advertising every day. Due to the flood of information and the short attention span, you only have eight seconds to get your message across.

In order to achieve the best possible understanding of the information to be conveyed, we recommend using images before text! This is because images catch the eye and remain in the memory.

One of the reasons for this is that images stimulate certain areas of the brain. This scientifically proven effect is known as the ‘picture superiority effect’ - the superiority of the visual.

The current trend is clearly towards videos. And in which medium can moving images be played non-stop? - That's right, on professional digital signage monitors from Erke.

How, where and with which monitors do you need to communicate in order to successfully guide your customers through the customer journey?
Find out with us.